Thursday, July 12, 2007

Baidu vs. Google



Anonymous said...

This commercial implicitly says "only 自己人 can make a good search engine for Chinese people. 老外 are incompetent and stupid and cannot function in our language/society".

This is offensively xenophobic.

Of course I am very biased, (on accounts of both my native language and my employer), but I think this commercial is garbage.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot. Now my teeth will be itching for the rest of the day!

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I remember the Modern Chinese History used to be the subject I hated the most. Why? Remember how we had to memorize one after another "articles" and how much "compensation" under which year, which lost war/battle caused by which impotent emperor's title and name...

And after the Qing govt. lost the "Jia Wu Battle" to modern Japanese govt, Taiwan was colonized by Japanese for 50 years, which is another origins of the current Taiwan issues.

Remember who were the 8 countries invaded in China in the late 19th century, who tore down the forbidden city and stole away the treasures? 俄德法美日奥義英(当年参考书的口诀是--饿的话,每日熬一鹰)

Phew... Pure frustration and embarrassment(oh, believe me, that's 100 times more than the current Bush administration...).

And then, followed by the history class, the next class was usualy "English"... the mandatory subject for everyone since middle school... (now is from 1st or 3rd grade).

So, let's forget about the hatred of words such as "xenophobia". Set aside the evil "capitalism" and "colonialism", but just focus on "humanity" and "human natures". I see this commercial more like a farce, that is necessarily for some (or most?) Chinese people to regain their confidence after hundreds of years of racial failure and humiliation (we don't even have to mention how many stereotyping and mocks on Chinese people in today's mainstream U.S. society).

Just a comment from someone who is NOT using her native language, and trying to make a living here with her NON-native language(How sadly, for many "Chinese", "Taiwanese Mandarin" is not real "Mandarin"... sigh.).

TazoChai said...

sorry, nick.
But I do hope they will keep up the good job after some quality worker just quit! .>;-)

Anonymous said...



TazoChai said...

百度是個中國公司,google是個美國公司。兩個都在做搜尋引摰的科技。可是這廣告很明顯的說,中文語言處理,只有我們中國人做得好,你們老外中文爛 做不出來的。

Sheena Kuo said...

哈哈~~~ 說真的,這個還真是個好廣告. 只可惜是大陸的.