Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Master Cleanse Action-Day 4

Last night I felt like I just wanted to quit.

After talking to couple people, including my mom, I decided that I will give it a try and continue. I found Day 4 is a lot more bearable than the past three days. Even the salt water in the morning tastes better. I tried using hot water to dissolve the sea salt, and then drinking it from a soup bowl and a spoon, just pretending it was a bowl of hot soup. Today I did find it taste a lot more like soup.

I have this mixed feelings towards my MC action. On one hand, I miss food very much, and I have cravings all day long. (Ok, maybe not all day, but quiet sometime whenever I don't have to concentrate on my work). Eating is such a social thing, I realize. I hang out with friends by going to a coffee shop, and having meals together. I enjoy eating food and talking about food with other people. On the other hand, I do enjoy the way my body feels now. Very strangely, I had so little everyday but I was able to work and function. I feel tired sometimes but the tiredness is not like the tiredness that I had before cleansing diet. When I drink more lemonade and then I would feel energized again. My eyes seem to feel better. I don't know if my eyesight gets better, but at least I was able to work in front of computer without my eyes getting sored or feeling burned.

Part of me says, "heck, I'm gonna quit tomorrow and go eat whatever!" (I know eating normal food right away is dangerous and of course I won't do that). Part of me wants to wait and see. I was expecting some crazy symptom break-outs on me. But I have encountered any yet. That got me to wonder, maybe I wasn't that toxic at all...:P But I still have couple days to see if anything happens.

1 comment:

Professor Howdy said...

Very good posting.
Thank you - Have a good day!!!