「輕鬆學漢語」Chinese Made Easy分別有少兒和少年版。全彩印刷,圖片活潑。似乎一些周末中文學校採用這套教 材。

「漢語」每課一開始的對話是用彩色漫畫呈現。我喜歡它帶入一些Cultural awareness的部分。有一課畫了幾個漫 畫,一個是女主人端了菜上桌,桌上滿是菜,女主人說:「來來來,今天沒什麼菜!」下面有一些漫畫,一張是兩個人打網球,一個人對另一個人說, 「妳打得真好。」另一個人的對話框空白。題目問讀者,如果是你,你會怎麼說呢?印象中有幾個英文的選項 ,a.沒什麼沒什麼 b.是啊,我很會打球。這是教文化應對的一個很好的例子。文化沒有對錯,但是不同文化對於一些表達的方式是有固定期待的。像是禮貌。

嗯。这麽看来,针对Extended Learning 课程的学生,要以实用取向+文化认知来下手囉...
How about the book "Hanyu" you mentioned here? You can copy one comic every week to entice Ss into cultural awareness (since most of them have never been to China?). Then, teach them the sentence showed on the comics?
Or, just use your common knowledge of the distinct cultural differences b/w Chinese & American cultures?
For example: No direct eye contact, no physical touches, no first name basis address... The Chinese way of showing respect... The Chinese way of counting $$, getting changes. The Chinese way of compliment... The Chinese hand gestures of asking people coming over, showing numbers 1-10... What do "private subjects" mean to most Chinese...etc.
On the other hand, maybe you can pair the comics with the relevant [文化短波」英文小短文in "Chinese Link" (中文天地) to prepare the Ss from getting culture shocks when the visit China in the near future.
(I haven't read those 2 books you mentioned, so, I just assume you can pair them together. Maybe this is not a good idea at all...).
教文化是個大學問。到底我們是傳遞文化還是cultural stereo-types刻板印象, 告訴學生,「中國人都這樣這樣...」? 這真是讓我競競業業的課題呢。不過我發現從自身的經歷出發,告訴學生我所感受到的文化差異,不失為一個方法。
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